Thursday, August 20, 2015

Top 5 Summer Volunteer Projects

School started today and I have already found myself reminiscing about the summer, and boy was it a great one.  I have been volunteering as a YVC AmeriCorps member, and as my service comes to and end, I would like to recap 5 of my favorite YVC projects! 

Gold Cross EMT Mock Scenarios
My first ever service project as an YVC AmeriCorps was in May.  The Gold Cross hosted an EMT training, in which they put together mock scenarios for the EMTs to respond to.  Complete with make up and fake blood.  YVC got to use their acting skills to play out these scenarios, as well as learn how to apply costume make up from the professionals.  This was probably one of my favorite projects because it was my first.  This is when I got to start working with our youth, and see how amazing they are!  They always go above and beyond what they are asked to do, and this project was no different.  Plus, we all got to get quite messy!

Painting Park Discovery
In June YVC set aside an entire week to help maintain Park Discovery in Cedar City.  We spent the week lacquering all the playground equipment and fencing to protect it from the elements and extend the life of the wood.  This also helps to prevent wood slivers for children playing on the equipment.  This was one of my favorite projects because I felt we were truly doing something to benefit the community.  This is a popular park and YVC was able to help the city keep this park nice and most importantly safe.  Multiday projects, like this one, are so fun and are a great way for the volunteers to learn more about each other and learn to work better as a team. 

Henry's Place
In July we went out west of town to a developing summer camp called Henry's Place.  I have put this on earlier blogs, but this has to be one of my favorite projects.  The grounds will be a summer camp for underprivileged and at risk youth coming from Las Vegas.  It is being built in memory of Officer Henry Prendes, who dreamed of a summer camp like this to benefit urban Las Vegas Youth.  YVC spent the day building a trial alongside a river bed.  This was one of my favorite because I love to be outdoors, and I could see each of the youth volunteers learning about themselves and the world around them as we worked on this trial together.  They worked together to make a beautiful trial and proved to themselves that they can do hard things. 

Cedar Breaks Arts Afire Event
This was a two day project in July/August in which we were able to take several volunteers up to Cedar Breaks National Monument and help with the kids craft table at the Arts Afire Event.  Cedar Breaks is known for beautiful wildflowers including, the Colorado Columbine, the Indian Paintbrush, and the Sunflower.  It is also home to the American Pika, and some beautiful humming birds.  At the craft table we helped visitors make their own wild flowers, pikas, and humming birds.  I loved being able to take our youth to Cedar Breaks, and it was the first time I had been there, and it was beautiful!
Check out the video here!

Garlands for Nepal
In August YVC spread their impact beyond our community as we participated in the Students Rebuild Garlands for Nepal Challenge.  We spent some time after our monthly meeting making flower garlands out of recycled materials.  For ever garland we sent to Students Rebuild, the Bezos Family Foundation donated $2 to Save the Children's efforts to rebuild schools and safe play areas in Nepal.  Anyone can take part of this challenge, but you have to mail your garlands by August 31st!  The Bezos Family Foundation will donate up to $200,000 dollars.  Find out more on their website

Honorable Mentions
Carrying the American Flag during the opening ceremony of the Utah Summer Games, doing manicures with residents at Beehive Homes, socializing kittens at the Cedar City Animal Shelter, putting together a Blue Moon Dance and Canned Food Drive, and finally all of our bi-monthly scavenger hunts to raise food for our local pantries. 

It was an amazing summer volunteering with YVC as an AmeriCorps.  Youth volunteers can truly make a huge difference in their community!  This summer Iron County YVC donated over 1500 pounds of food to our local food pantries and shelters to help feed the homeless and poor.  Together our youth logged thousands of volunteer hours, and helped made a difference in their community!  

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